My two favorite things…

Lilly Pulitzer and monograms.

Do try this at home


Yeah, that’s right. I have the ultimate prep phone case. Enjoy.

But really, what is better than Lilly and a monogram (other than a monogram done in a Lilly print, of course!). I was bored with the lifeproof case I had. Although it protected my iPhone 5 from many unfortunate falls from my hands to the cement, I missed the days when I had the real deal Lilly Pulitzer phone case. So I found a solution. A skin! has a life-proof specific option which you get to customize! And it was around $20, not bad at all! I found a good .jpg at the Lilly Pulitzer blog of the latest print I am lusting over and sized it to fit my iPhone exactly. If I wanted to get all fancy I probably could have stuck the monogram right onto the customize page, but instead I went to another favorite site,, and found the perfect silver sparkly monogram. I also went a little monogram crazy and did the home button as well… 

Vinyl stickers are hard enough to put on, certainly not meant for the dumb blonde that occasionally comes out just to baffle and amuse everyone else around me, but the glitter sticker was crazy hard to put on. As was the very small monogram home button. Those are individual letters, people. They do come with instruction sheets (at least the ones I always purchase), but they still require a lot of good old fashioned patience, a virtue I don’t think I ever really learned or received or however that works.

Regardless, I get countless compliments from the girls around town and all my friends are begging me to make them ones. But remember ladies, patience is a virtue.

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